New in the treatment room
Blended treatments from across my therapies have become increasingly popular this year, so I’ve tweaked my treatment menu to make it easier to see what’s on offer. Check out my 60-90 minute head to toe offerings including specialist offerings & indulgent blends – here’s an overview:
N U R T U R E 60 mins/£46
Foot Reflexology, Facial Reflexology or Gentle Release Therapy
R E L E A S E & R E B A L A N C E 75 mins/£55, 90 mins/£60
Facial Reflexology, Scalp/Cranial Massage and/or Gentle Release Therapy followed by Foot Reflexology
I N D U L G E 65 mins/£55 or 90 mins/£70
Hot Stones Foot Reflexology or Facial Acupressure Therapy (option to add on 25 mins of Foot Reflexology)
R E J U V E N A T E 90 mins/£75
Enerqi Facial Rejuvenation
For more info/to book: Services and Fees | Jane Singleton Wellbeing & Reflexology
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